"Joe Janson Sr. left for California Monday to visit his son Wendeline, who is running a truck farm out there. Joe will stay a year for his health. He has rheumatism and we hope it will help him".
Wow! Three short sentences and look what we've learned: 1) Great grandpa tried California weather as a cure. 2) Wendelin did something besides the railroad, at least for awhile, and 3) Buckman knew Joseph as the Senior Joe Janson because his cousins' son was also Joe Janson (blacksmith in Buckman).
It's hard to imagine Wendelin trying something as agricultural as truck farming. On the other hand, just cuz it's in the paper doesn't make it true.
Grandpa Anton said his father was weak and ill when they moved home from trying Virginia in 1902, but we didn't know that he went to California for his health 9 years later. He didn't last a whole year--he died after 8 months, on December 19th, 1911. I wonder, did he die in California?
So, I went looking for the Joseph Janson obit in the Pierz Journals of December 21 and 28. No luck. All I found was this, in Math's "Buckman" column, complete with misspellings:
(Yes, yes...I know you're supposed to copy something exactly. Tough ☺).
"Sebastian Janson returned to his home in Wadena Saturday. He was here to attend the funeral of his father Joe Janson".