When Larry first convinced me that my families' genealogy would be fascinating ("No, really--this'll be fun!") my only research to date was a connection with an older gentleman on the west coast who said he was related to the Jansons. I'd posted some mis-information on an online message board one Sunday, and he saw it and contacted me.
Eventually, he sent me the Janson Family tree going back from my grandpa Anton Janson, including Greulichs who'd married Jansons along the way. He found the tree in a book written by a Ronellenfitch in Horrenburg, Germany. I recognized the Ronellenfitch name from Buckman, but I didn't know that that family had also married Jansons over there. So, cool!
The gentleman from California who'd sent the info was August Greulich, a name I'd never heard before. But look--evidently, great grandpa Joe kept in touch with other expats from home, even if they'd settled in Kentucky.
And yes, according to Family Search, there was a Daniel Greulich in Louisville, Kentucky who was born in Germany in 1831, and died a year after he visited Minnesota: September 19, 1910.
I really hope they had a lovely visit. Great grandpa Joe died in December, 1911.