Paging thru Ida's photo album is frustrating because almost none of the pics are marked with who or when...but there are a few exceptions, like this one: (and even that has a fairly un-helpful caption!)
But wait, remember the hand drawn NABER tree I found in mom's stuff? It says that a few Nabers moved to New Mexico. Taa-Daa! Larry and I think the wedding couple were Joseph Edward NABER and his new wife, Anna C. Roll, and that the man in the middle was Joe's father, John.
(BTW, most of this stunning research was accomplished yesterday by Larry!)
(Most likely, the other look-alike man in that wedding photo was Joe's brother Al--read on to see why we're sure it's them!)
This photo was also in Ida's album--certainly, some of the people are recognizable from the wedding photo, right? The old man, and the couple, now a few years older, with what must be their daughter...but Hmm. This is about 1933--why is Joe wearing headphones?? Who knew they were even invented then? Like kids today, he couldn't be bothered to remove his vintage iPod for the picture??
The answer is below, on Joseph's WWI draft card--check out what he wrote for #12:
WOW--it was an early hearing aid.
The little girl is JoAnn or Joan, daughter of Joe and Anna, and the couple on the far left is probably Aloysius Naber and his wife or sister (I think she's the other woman from the wedding photo, too).
Or, is it a photo of the whole family except brother Ben? That would make the 3 unidentified women Frances, Cecilia and Elizabeth.
Now, I need to find other photos from the album with these people!