Background: When we were kids, we regularly went to Bancroft, Iowa to visit mom's cousins, Ida and Walburga Naber, tho mom said they were "not really cousins".
Over the years, when we'd ask mom about it, she seemed vague, or maybe we weren't listening. The questions were always about Ida and Walburg because we didn't have any other Naber relatives. As it turns out, they were the daughters of Gerhard Naber's son Henry with his first wife Elizabeth. Mom's mother, Margaret, was Gerhard's daughter by this second Elizabeth.
I don't know where this tree came from or who drew it, but I found it among mom's stuff after she died in 1996. I tucked it away. Another family with repeat names through generations--argh.
Along with it was this immediate family tree in mom's handwriting--ah, "Richels"--amazing that it took me 13 years to make the connection, but even then, either spelling could be correct.
Searching, Bernard Richels, b 1864, arrived alone from Germany in May of 1886, but he can't be the parent of Elizabeth, since she was born in 1846. Besides, after that, even he drops off the radar...
Don't loose any sleep, ok? We'll keep looking!
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