Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bobby pins

See at the bottom of the card there--"Protects teeth and nails"--?  Whew, I hadn't thought of it in years!
  Bobby pins were made to hold hair, either in pin curls or just in place.  The open end had droplets of rubber on each tip so it wouldn't scratch your delicate head (awww).  Plus, if you opened the pin with your fingers, the rubber should cushion the pin if it slipped against your fingernail.  Makes sense so far, right?  Yeah, it helps to be a female of a certain vintage to understand.
But what did rubber tips have to do with teeth?  Ack, the easiest way to open a bobby pin was to pull the longer end outward with your front teeth.  It often slipped, and snapped against that tooth, rubber tip or not.

Dr. 'Subtle', my dentist, looked in my mouth one day and called to his hygienist, "Mary, come in here, I wanna show you something".
When she arrived, he said, "Look, look--these are CLASSIC bobby pin chips!", and damn it, he was right!

(BTW, I always thought the two girls on the card there were Kathy and me AFTER a hair set...lol)


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