Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Musta been SOME tires...

"Look out! There's a huge tire about to squash ya..."
"The truck pictured below is owned by Mr. John Janson of Grand Rapids, Mich.  It is shown at the bottom of a gravel pit forty feet deep.  The road out of this pit is very steep and, of course, is soft and sandy.  To pull out with a 2 1/2 yard load this truck needs all the traction it can get; and it gets all the traction it needs with Caterpillars.
The broad surfaces of Caterpillars have a snow-shoe effect.  They pack the loose sand down, thus building a more solid footing for themselves.  At the same time, the notches in the sides act as a lock, getting a firmer grip on the road than ordinary tires could get even with chains.
Many truck operators have been under the impression that pneumatics were the only tires that would give them the traction needed for this kind of work.  As a matter of fact (and Mr Janson's experience proves it), Caterpillars not only give plenty of traction but they also give far greater mileage than pneumatics without the danger of punctures and blowouts..."

 It's amazing that relatively obscure trade magazines are online these days.  Even for those of us who were around and reading by 1922, the chances of seeing Highway Engineer and Contractor Magazine would have been nil.  But, look--a web search found John Janson from Grand Rapids, Michigan, endorsing the tires he used on his trucks.  Isn't that COOL?

( No fair--Larry finds all the GOOD stuff! ☺)

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